You love them, and you cannot imagine your life without one. There are many interesting things about the car industry that the average driver is not aware of. These dependable modes of transportation have an interesting history, and that history is responsible for making cars the go-to vehicles across the globe. You are able to commute quicker and more comfortably because of cars, and they have been instrumental in helping to grow the global economy.
New cars are constantly being added into the industry. The improved advancements and technologies within the industry are helping every corner of the world experience the convenience of cars. It is extremely important that you stay abreast of where the car industry is headed, but do you know the humble beginnings that cars emerged from?
There are several interesting facts about cars:
  • Nissan was the first Asian carmaker to start production in Britain. The Bluebird was the first car that rolled off of the assembly line.
  • In 1965, the United States car manufacturer Chevrolet enjoyed a sales record of selling over a million cars in a year.
  • Cars did not always use steering wheels. The first cars actually used a lever to manoeuvre the car.
  • The Porsche 911 was not available for sale until 1964.
  • Every day Ferrari manufacturers no more than 14 cars.
  • In 1980, there was a traffic jam that was over 100 miles long. It was on the French AutoRoute between Lyon and
  • Paris.
  • The first insurance policy written for automobiles occurred in 1897 in the United States.
  • The world’s cheapest car is the Tata Nano. It is manufactured by Tata Motors in India.
  • Have you ever wondered who invented windshield wipers? A woman invented windshield wipers for cars in 1903. She wanted drivers to have better visibility during inclement weather.
  • The French Army was the first to use self-propelled cars. These cars were invented in 1769 by Nicolas Cugnot. The maximum speed for the car was 6km/h. The car was useful to the army because the soldiers were able to move their cannons more efficiently.
  • After introducing the three wheeled self-propelled car, Cugnot decided to invent a car that was steam driven. This car was introduced two years after the self-propelled car, but had a short life span. The car was involved in an accident, and this became the world’s first automobile accident.
  • Isaac de Rivaz also developed several steam cars. He then developed the first recognised car engine in the world. The engine used oxygen and hydrogen.
  • The first automobile company that was available for sale was Benz. It became available to buyers in 1887.
  • The Otto and Langen Company of Germany was the first company to upgrade the car engine into a four stroke engine. Prior to this invention, all engines were two stroke gas engines. Otto and Langen worked with Gottlieb Daimler, a German engineer, to create the practical engine that is still used today in many different types of cars.

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