Monday 30 June 2014

Cars of the future

Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)Ever wondered what cars will be like in the future? Flying cars have been talked about for years, and there’s a very real possibility they’ll be driverless.
But what will they actually look like? Well, student designers at the Royal College of Art have submitted their most creative ideas for the annual Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards. We’ve obtained the pictures for you to take a look through… could these be the future of motoring?Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)We don't have much info on Yalim Erkaya's 'Mujo', but it's certainly a striking design.Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)ow, if future Maseratis look like this effort from Ji Won Yun, we won’t complain.Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)This is a semi-public autonomous vehicle (think taxi) that, according to its creator Yuan Fang, fills the gap between indoor and outdoor space.Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)This is the vision of Alexander Ibbett. It's a basic drivetrain and underbody, onto which owners could 'download' their own designsCars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)Hoe-young Hwang's take on the Bentley of the future is a 21st-century revival of the Arts and Craft movement, inspired by Bentley's heritage of handcraft.Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)Robert Crick says his work is a vision of cars that feel as though they are 'more than just a branded tin can'.
'The purpose of my project is to create a vehicle that stimulates the mind and the body,' he says. 'The car itself becomes a tool for inspiration.'Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)This cross between bike and car is the work of Henri Peugeot (with a name like that, it was surely almost inevitable that he would go into vehicle design).
Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)his is 'Wreck-less' by Selim Benhabib. It uses the expected advances in tech that will prevent cars from crashing to make what he calls a daring, vulnerable vehicle that gives more freedom, courtesy of a 'digital forcefield' around the car. The future is delicate, light, agile and fun, he says.Cars of the future: Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards (© Christopher Ratcliffe)This is Vera Jiyoung Park with her BMW B MIND concept.

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