Wednesday 25 June 2014

What next for the fuel cell car?

For decades, fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) have been ‘ten years away’, but key launches in 2014 and 2015 could see these vehicles begin to make a commercial impact on in the industry.
As emissions regulations tighten, OEMs need to ensure their zero emission vehicle offerings do more than just tick boxes, but the development of commercially available FCVs has proven difficult even for the major OEMs. In order to overcome the high R&D costs associated with FCVs, several global OEMs have established partnerships to share the necessary investment, with a view to launching fuel cell cars in the US, Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Questions over infrastructure, product cost, commercial viability and public interest in FCVs have made it difficult to bring these vehicles to market. Honda, Hyundai and Toyota have all announced plans to launch FCVs in 2014/2015.

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